The lineup for numbers each night in the campground has gotten crazier and crazier over the past couple of years. Enough so, that it's time for a change.
This information was just posted here:
http://www.bluegrass.com/telluride/rules.html#linepolicyLine-up Overview:Our long-standing line policy exists to create a kinder, gentler, more Festivarian-like entry each morning. Please keep in mind that the entry line is a complicated logistical problem and we have developed these rules with decades of experience while taking a number of factors into consideration. Our goal is to create an entry procedure that will be fair, orderly, and will satisfy the greatest number of Festivarians. Any feedback or suggestions you may have are greatly encouraged!
Remember, this is a general admission festival. Your tarps do not change that. Festivarians who see an unoccupied tarp are encouraged to have a seat until the owner returns.
Line Policy Town Side (General Admission) You must be physically present in line at all times - no empty chairs!
Numbers will be handed out each morning prior to the gates opening.
Even after receiving your number, you must stay in line - reasonable bathroom/coffee breaks aside.
Per Town ordinance, you may not camp in line - this means no tents, no cooking, and no sleeping.
One number, one person, one tarp.
Festivarians with numbers will be admitted into the Festival in order, one at a time, after going through the standard Customs procedure.
Line Policy Town Park/ Warner Field Side 750 numbers will be
RANDOMLY distributed to Town Park and Warner Field wristband holders ONLY. (no kids bands will receive a number)
Numbers will be distributed each morning of the Festival between 7am and gates open at the TP/WF entrance.
ONE number, one person, one tarp. No exceptions!
After receiving your number, please find your numeric position in line no less than 30 minutes prior to the gates opening
Festivarians with numbers will be admitted into the Festival in order, one at a time, after going through the standard Customs procedure.
Due to the random nature of the number distribution, there is no need to line-up overnight.
See you all soon.