Festivation rating 420
Posts: 1183
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2018, 01:03:53 PM » |
Once the 750 Town Park and Warner numbers have been used they will start letting in the rest of Town Park and Warner Field. Has the entire Town Park line always been allowed to enter (in full) prior to the start of the main gate line? Having never waited in either line, but I had always assumed both lines start at the same time ... similar to the way all base area lifts start loading at the same time in the morning on a powder day. Yes, it's a simultaneous entrance. I believe the Mayor was referring to the rest of the campers inside WF and TP - those of us who don't run the tarp w/a # will be allowed to enter only after all the #s have gone through. Thanks for clarifying about simultaneous entrance. Is there any rule stopping people who camp in TP/Warner from simply getting in the Main Entrance line very early to insure a low number? If I were part of a "camp" in TP that had been accustomed to getting a good tarp spot for a number of years, I'd transfer "primary line duty" to the Main Entrance; and if the spot wasn't acceptably close to the front, I would have everyone else in the camp who's able to get up by 7am to enter the TP line lottery in order to try and upgrade the camp's overall position in line. I can also see how some camps might elect to have tarps run from both lines and simply see what works out the best. While I applaud the recognition of the general issue and this seems to be a step in the right direction by PB, I'm not sure this is the most egalitarian solution in so far as how it'll likely play out; creating more competition for the Main Entrance line by effectively prompting many TP campers to maximize the odds to retain their camp's status quo. At the same time, non TP/Warner park ticket holders don't have the same opportunity to "hedge their bet".
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 01:09:35 PM by FaceOnMars »
RIP Rob Wasserman