This will be not only my first time to TBF, but this will be my first time to Colorado! I have been wanting to do Telluride for a couple of years now, and just could never get enough money gathered to make it.(I live in Iowa) But this year, got my tax return done early, and my Girlfriend and I are coming! We are really excited for all of what Telluride has to offer! We missed the lottery, so we just bought our Festival music ticket, and are looking to find a camping spot in Town Park, or Warner Field. If anyone could give me a helping hand to try and locate some of these passes, it was be much appreciated! We aren't against other camping site by any means, but just wanted to be closer to the festival itself, and not have to worry about being on a timed schedule or anything. I mean come on, this is my vacation haha! But if we don't find anything, we are still so excited to come out to this gorgeous town!
Just to let you know, Town Park and Warner passes include the 4 day festival pass. If you got lucky enough to get a Town Park or Warner then you'd have to sell your 4 day passes. You'd be better off just getting camping passes for one of the other sites.