With all the tension in the world right now, we thought it was time to finally invite the family band from Cleverly Mountain, Arkansas for some “trad” bluegrass on the Telluride stage...
If you’re not yet familiar with
The Cleverlys, a part of me urges you to wait and discover them open-minded for the first time in Telluride.
But if you can’t wait (I sure couldn’t), here’s one starting point:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9s57UBMWdkOr here’s a tune that name-drops a bunch of TBF veterans while also featuring a talkbox on the banjo:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XF35zruTmMDepending on the audience, The Cleverlys are either a gateway to bluegrass, a gateway to pop music, or just a whole lotta fun. But beyond the personalities and the songs, The Cleverlys
can pick with smart arrangements that honor both their bluegrass roots and the pop world they half-inhabit.
I still get a huge grin thinking about the first time I saw them at Wintergrass. The place was abuzz with this mysterious showstopping band from "Arkansas." I can't wait to share that huge grin with the Festivarian Nation in Telluride.