Please help this project get off the ground. There's less than a week left to help back this project so it will get done. Every little bit helps whether it's $5 or $5,000 and the rewards will be priceless.
The Porchlight Sessions is a finger pickin' and foot stompin' adventure through the evolution of the hillbilly sound as it became a genre following the legacy of the patriarch, Bill Monroe. Told through the collective voice of the originators of style to contemporary mainstream acts and campground pickers, the film marks the first time the community has come together to tell the bluegrass story.
From their latest update:
We've moved into that 6 day countdown, which means we only have one week left to raise 30% of our funds. The catch is we only see the funds if we raise them all. THIS IS ALL OR NOTHING.
In this final push, I must emphasis the importance of word-of-mouth and social media, posting about us on your facebook, tweeting about us, and reminding folks to donate. If you need help with any of this, let us know!