Hey Billy...I'll be at both festivals this year too... aren't we lucky festivarians:) Looking forward to my first Del Fest... and, my sweet 16 at T-ride this year. Any tips or advice for Del fest...particularly for the camping scene/set up? I'm arriving on Thurs. eve as well. See you soon!
In Peace,
Hey Michelle,
That is awesome - can't wait to see you. I will PM you my # so we can connect.
I went in 2009 but missed last year but Greg (aka the Bagger), who will be in TP this year for the first time, went last year as well as in 2009.
Check out the festival map on the Del Fest site,
http://delfest.com/eventinfo/festival-map/. The majority of the camping, at least in 2009 and it looks to be the case this year, is to the left of the Family camp icon. Now the entire area is not very big but I remember we got this sweet little spot actually to the right of the Family camp area (but not in it) in the rectangle where there is the second water fountain icon and directly above the RV day icon.
I think it will be worthwhile for you guys to check out that area first. Overall, once you get your wristband, there weren't many folks asking you "where you are going, etc", so act like you own the joint.

I will see you next week!