I saw another "slight confusion"....
Team... the folks that arrive (AND PAY THE TOWN OF TELLURIDE) to camp during the week(s) PRIOR to Land Rush. In 2011 you can expect the ABGAT Team to arrive on or about June 4th.
Land Rush = the Saturday prior to the beginning of
FESTIVVVAAALLL!!!, also known as the day Planet Bluegrass takes over Town Park. In 2011, June 11th is Land Rush.
So, anyone looking for "actvity" in Town Park is actually looking for the "Pre-Fest Activities List" (post Land Rush) which our Mayor, Telluride Tom will post about a month prior to the fest.
Now, if you are looking for ABGAT activities.... it's a BYOB and chill the heck out kinda thing.
Auntie Hope