This will be my second TBF and my first time camping. Couldn't be more excited about camping in Warner Field! I've read a lot about traditions and suggestions for Town Park camping, but what about Warner Field? What does a first timer need to know?
Can't speak for WF traditions, but- other than the tent stake/glass/smoking/something under the stove restrictions- BYOS (bring your own shade) and a tent that can ventilate during the day is a real plus. Same as TP, be prepped for temp extremes: 28 to 88 degrees.
Once Wednesday hits (opening for WF), time goes real fast.
You'll have some of the best festival sound right at your tent. You can probably sleep at night (but bring earplugs anyway). WF gets cozy, so plan on getting to know your neighbors. Friday, there's a farmers market in town and food on the field is good and not too pricey.