....every email and every phone call is festival planning.
... you order a new tent online and have it shipped to Colorado and it is there already!
... you take clothes out of the dryer and think.. don't wear this again now, it's clean and it's going to Telluride."
--- you tell someone that in just a couple of weeks! you get the try out the hand warmer that he gave you for Christmas and it seems normal 'cuz it's Telluride time!
... you want to go to the car rental place and measure the space in it to make sure you won't have to leave stuff behind.
... you are seriously going to have to get three seasons of clothing and bedding rounded up and also try to make room for the fun stuff like bubbles and beads. (oh and Bailey's!)
... you are visualizing the stop in Montrose and planning how quickly you can be in and out of City Market and the liquor store.
...you start waking up at 5 and thinking waking up early like this will be good when it's time to take coffee to someone in the tarp line!
ah.... I am so grateful to be healthy enough to do this another time! I do not take it for granted.
Listening to:
birds.... funny, eh?