Tapers section pix. As always, the Rockygrass Front Of Board crowd was the very best audience anywhere in the world possibly excepting classical music.
Taperssection cross post, apologies but it made it easier to post the pix.
Look for bit torrents on
www.cotapers.org in the coming days and weeks. Hopefully there will be more than last year.
Photos taken from the section with a Canon A540 POS.
This guy had the center taper tarp down all weekend, running a minidisc hanging from his mics on a paint pole. Kudos for the perseverance and dedication, and hopefully next year he will have upgraded a bit.
I think this is RDFager, not 100% but we met and had adjoining stands. He's got the only rig with dead rats for the Douglas-Meyer-Bush set on Friday, mine sports some serious wind noise issues.
My rig (MBHO 603 cardiod) and Jerry's spaced omni's above. Thanks Jerry.
West section
Banjo mania- Noam, Bela, Tony Trischka
Bela and friends
Best set of the weekend IMHO Jerry Douglas-Edgar Meyer-Sam Bush
Psychograss Saturday
Panoramic during Dan Tyminski's set