Hey all,
I'm coming in from Toronto, Canada. Camping in the meadow. Some questions.
I won't know anyone. I like to make sure I only join jams where I'm welcome. Have you found jams friendly? Any advice other (places to try, etc.) other than the obvious ettiquitte (sp?) ones?
I can only bring minimal gear, no food, not even a chair. Any advice? I hear it can rain in the afternoons. Do things tend to dry out afterwards?
I'm arriving Thursday afternoon. Any advice for finding a campsite? My footprint will be small.
I'm arriving at the Denver airport at 10:20 a.m. Thursday. Plan to take a bus but if anyone can share a ride I'd be very happy to pay my way.
Also, if any other loners want someone to meet up with (I'm a mandolin player, rather obvious from my name), please give me a shout. My email is
cfagan@interlog.comI can't wait!