You are all amazing!
UPDATE: I saw another post about FirstGrass, and someone was wondering about the possibility of Josh Ritter showing up because he’ll play Tuesday night in Mt. Village. Well, my wife has now gotten wind of this, and I am fearing for my life if I don’t get us to Club Red on Tuesday night. She adores Josh. So . . . Looks like we’re scratching the anticipated stops in St. Louis and Kansas and now considering doing two 10+ hour days of driving to get to Telluride on Tuesday night BECAUSE I LOVE MY WIFE AND WOULD DO CRAZY THINGS FOR HER. (***She is not standing right behind me as I type this giving me threatening looks.)
Yeah that Josh Ritter show is going to be awesome. My wifes favorite songwriter too. We have tickets and will be going. 10 hour days aren't that bad. When I used to do trips like that with little ones, we'd keep them up later than normal and then get up around 3-4 and leave. They'd be excited for an hour maybe, then crash out and finish off that 10-12 hours of sleep giving you a good 5-6 hours before any long stops are required. Good luck, god speed.