You can't really explain Killer Tater Tots. You must experience Killer Tater Tots.
Let the tater tot unbelievers step forth next week and face tater tot judgement!
Ron, I will duktape a few tots to the Flat Ron for your review.
I have to second that the tots are quite tasty as are their burgers. Nice to sit out on the patio too.
Since I attended a National Corn Dog Day party a few years ago, however, my idea of the beloved tot has forever changed. As I saw someone try for the triple-double (for some background, National Corndog Day coincides with the Saturday of the final 32 teams in NCAA basketball tournament......consume 10 corndogs, 10 PBR beers, and 10 "units" of tater tots (100 tots total) you have achieved the notorious "triple-double."), I saw more tots than I cared too after he didn't make it. it's a flat Ron, does that mean it will be a flat thong?
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Taurus Riley