Can anyone tell me how the seating area has changed particularly with regard to shade and sound quality since the flood? It looks from the pictures I could find that the big trees to center left are still standing, which is fantastic. Are there still trees along the river? Is there seating over where the beach used to be, now that it's moved, and how is the sound?
I have some difficulty with auditory processing...last year (after several years of EZ up listening) I returned to the stone bench area and was shocked by how much better I could understand lyrics from the stage speakers instead of the tall ones in the back. I've loved being over to the river side in the past (and going back and forth from Wildflower) except that I can never understand the lyrics (part of it is background noise) so if the sound is better over there than it used to be, maybe I'll go that direction some this trip....
Anyway, any thoughts you have would be welcome!
Listening to:
Birds at the Poudre River :)