I don't mind not being first in line. Also, it isn't like Claire/group just show up at the end of the night to get their spot. They are sitting in their chairs nearly all day long. It isn't how I choose to spend my time, but each person enjoys their festival in different ways & I love I talk to those guys in front almost every time I walk by. Plus, they have a pretty good time there.
If randomness was enacted it would overwhelmingly favour the large/organized camps. I'm with a small group but we are willing to put in our time to get the spot we like. In our willingness to spend time in line, we are able to be equals with a large camp like R.A.M., Fishbone, Steamboat, Bowl, etc. We're not in our chair 100% of the time, no, but we're in it a good deal of the time. It's hard to begrudge people that arent in a chair if they are out catching a late night pick, bathroom jam, at a nightgrass, or following Vince's conga line through the campground.
And actually, the last few years have been miles better than what they were even a few short years ago. No chairs being thrown nor zip-tied to the fence, few tempers flaring, and some even getting that dreaded sleep. Claire and others used good ol' festivarian ingenuity and started self policing so the line could remain the great thing it is.
It was mentioned that there aren't 52 people wanting to be in line. If it was a random number generated entry, every camp would be sure to have their people there to get a # to ensure their greatest chance of being closer to the front. I mean we organize for beer, bloodies, fashion shows, pot lucks, and Godesses among other things. RAM alone could almost grab at least 75% of the 52 spots. (And yes I realize 52 is a theoretical #) Having been at PBG fests for RockyGrass and FolksFest and been through the random numberedness, I would much rather put in my time to get a chance of getting the spot I prefer. Waiting in line sure beats winding up with #760, but just because that is how I choose to spend my festival time doesnt mean it would be worth it to another.
there are people I see every year in the Town Park line, often at 4.30 in the morning, and are able to reconnect and continue our camaraderie in the brief time we get to spend together every year talking over births, marriages, divorces, new beers or whiskeys, ups, downs, trips, books, hikes, death, and maybe even a Ralph Stanley song.
I like knowing I'll see many of the same people siting around me in line every night/morning. Randomness would destroy that. Along with the morning coffee on the picnic table, the Baked runs for the line sitters, the crispness of the air at 5am, the hoards of people "not-sleeping" on the sidewalk through town (as any change to TP line would have to be mimicked in the 'other' line I would imagine), the "is that frost on my sleeping bag?" queries, reminiscing previous years line experiences, the anticipation of seeing the top of the sun over Black Bear, plus the overnight line stories. Who doesn't love a good story? Sure these things are possible otherwise, but not with the same zeal and festivarian spirit.
Heck, I would much rather see a random # line for the Merch tent on Thursday morning instead of the entry line.
As evidenced by so many friends in so many different ways over the last year, sometimes a year can be rough. But being able to come back for your friends (oh and the music) lets you forget a little while helping you to remember a whole lot more at the same time. A lot of the people in line are line are part of my Festivarian family and I know they will help me to remember and forget the things that need either or both. Which leads me to think the line is pretty great the way it is.
Listening to:
howling coyotes