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topic icon Author Topic: non-camping festivarian needs  (Read 22566 times)

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URL icon « on: June 05, 2012, 08:48:00 PM »

few questions -
we are staying in a condo close by town park .  been quite a few years since last TBF (97).
wondering if there is a place to buy (or rent) chairs in town?
what grocery / liquor store options may be?
the dont miss restaurants? 
can you bring coolers into the festival?
is there areas for blankets vs chairs?

can not believe its just a few weeks away!!!


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URL icon « Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 10:07:14 PM »

Don't know about renting chairs but you can buy some at Ace hardware... There are two nice grocery stores. There is at least one liquor store... Cant answer about restaurants.. Yes, you can bring coolers in and anything else you want except glass or alcohol.. Yes, you can put down blankets instead of chairs
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Debbie from Tucson
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URL icon « Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 10:21:44 PM »

few questions -
we are staying in a condo close by town park .  been quite a few years since last TBF (97).
wondering if there is a place to buy (or rent) chairs in town?
what grocery / liquor store options may be?
the dont miss restaurants? 
can you bring coolers into the festival?
is there areas for blankets vs chairs?

can not believe its just a few weeks away!!!


Lets see if I can answer some of these questions for you. Flower
 Chairs can be purchased at the Hardware store, but it is best if you can, to buy them before you get to Tride because they are  more expensive in town.
There are a few grocery stores , one on the edge of town as you enter Tride and the other is located pretty much in the center of town near the Bakery, easy to find not sure what the street name is however. TTom can you chime in on that?

Fat Alley BBQ and Smugglers to eat and the the Peperchini Martini at Smugglers crazy good. All within a few blocks of each other, stroll main and you will find just about everything,

And a few liquor stores in town as well so there will be plenty of opertunity to purchase everything you might need in town if you must.
Coolers are allowed, no glass however.

A blanket would be considered a tarp so you will be mixed in with low back chairs.

I would like to offer up a suggestion however. No blanket, it rains, so get a nice tarp it's beer proof, rain and snow proof a better situation for you. A wet dirty blanket after a day will be almost useless. And yes you can purchase these at the Hardware as well.

So buck up lil non campers cause even you will find yourself fighting the elements at times.  I hope that helps and see you soon.  :woohooOK lets GO!
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URL icon « Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 10:51:56 PM »

alcohol is not allowed to be brought in in said coolers.   
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URL icon « Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 05:38:56 AM »

I'll second the not putting down a blanket sentiment. After a few hours, you wouldn't want to sit on it anymore. Use a tarp and then put some chairs down on the tarp.
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URL icon « Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 07:34:52 AM »

Allred's Restaurant is nice....a bit pricey but the view from the top of the Gondola is Priceless.
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URL icon « Reply #6 on: June 06, 2012, 08:29:06 AM »

I ususally through out a tarp, then I have a plastic fold up mat, the weaved kind that I put down in place of said tarp, which allows for beer and other beverages, rain or snow to easily sink through it, so I don't have puddles all day long. It is similiar to the plastic outdoor rugs they have but folds up very small. It is getting a little worn after ten years of use.
Don't forget a spray bottle, It is really nice to cool yourself off when the sun is baking you and for impromptu water fights.  EEK! and then more sunscreen to re-apply often.
The grocery store is straight down the street from the box office area, just a few blocks and there is a couple liqour stores on main street.
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URL icon « Reply #7 on: June 06, 2012, 09:28:11 AM »

Of course a tarp is good for cuddling under when the weather starts getting cold or wet Wink
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URL icon « Reply #8 on: June 06, 2012, 09:30:41 AM »

We lay down a trap and then a blanket on top to prevent sticking to tarp and/or burning bottoms on hot tarp.... And even if you want a blanket, you should bring at least one trap to cover stuff when it starts raining/hailing/snowing whatever..LOL
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Debbie from Tucson
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URL icon « Reply #9 on: June 06, 2012, 10:25:21 AM »

BAKED IN TELLURIDE is the bakery in town and is a must-not-miss of FESTIVVVAAALLL!!! There's a storied past to the place, including the massive fire that burned the place to the ground during the winter of 2010, the bakery not being there during the fest in 2010, and the Grand Re-Opening on the Sunday prior to fest 2011. Jerry and the crew run a clean operation and just LOVE the bluegrass Festivarians.

And We Love Baked In Telluride!  Love

Auntie Hope   :festivarian2 :green
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InFleckIt! at Hippo Campus

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URL icon « Reply #10 on: June 06, 2012, 10:46:14 AM »

We've done the festival both ways - camping and condo (currently doing condo).  Honestly, the stuff I take onto the actual festival grounds is the same either way.  Having a condo just means that I can leave my camping gear at home if I want to.

Stuff I bring into the festival every morning:
sun shade
tent stakes
mallet to pound tent stakes into rock-hard ground
low-back festi-chair
reusable water bottles
rain gear
"night time" clothes
Wet Ones wipes
festival program
insulated coffee cup
and the backpack that I carry it all in

Depending on how close your condo is, you may be able to leave some items in the condo and return to get them as needed.  I like to have everything I need because I don't like to leave the festival onec I'm there.

If you want a really nice dinner, try La Marmotte on San Juan Ave.  It's great.  All of the other suggestions are also good.  I'm also a big fan of the food at the Llama. 

Have fun!
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URL icon « Reply #11 on: June 06, 2012, 11:36:17 AM »

Sunscreen is a must and drink tons of water. Between the sun and altitude you get dehydrated very quickly. So bring a water bottle and there is fresh cold water for free at the water station.

Oh yeah, a squirt gun cause well I'm bringin mine and I like a good water fight when it gets hot Evil
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URL icon « Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 02:48:14 PM »

Do not forget a good wide brimmed hat and good sunglasses! I wear long sleeved t-shirts to shield the sun. Put your blanket over your feet. Sandals really hurt when you have a sunburned foot.


Now Playing icon Listening to: Erik & Suzy Thompson live at Sweethearts of the Radio 2011
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URL icon « Reply #13 on: June 08, 2012, 12:06:49 AM »

We lay down a trap and then a blanket on top to prevent sticking to tarp and/or burning bottoms on hot tarp.... And even if you want a blanket, you should bring at least one trap to cover stuff when it starts raining/hailing/snowing whatever..LOL
Is that trap to catch virgins? I don't think there is a bag limit on them this year.
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URL icon « Reply #14 on: June 08, 2012, 08:45:06 AM »

 Wave Hey Mel! Here's C'Lou being "randomly Sarcastic" fersure.  Flower This is what it's all the f*#k about, right here.
And no, C'Lou, traps are not set for Festivirgins, they just walk up to you and give you beads (2011 reference)...traps are set to catch the ever elusive "Foot Slave" or much less elusive " Man Slave".

(p.s. thank Dog DfT knows how to mis-spell or the fun meter would run low)  Medal Thumbs Up

Now Playing icon Listening to: JC Live @ 8,745 feet.
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