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topic icon Author Topic: Ticket Brokers Hoarding TBF Tix?  (Read 34181 times)
Auntie Hope
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URL icon « Reply #45 on: May 24, 2012, 04:52:38 PM »


A. - Welcome to the Festi-Family!

B. - just a little curious. What did you actually pay for your Town Park ticket?


Auntie Hope  :festivarian2 :green
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InFleckIt! at Hippo Campus
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URL icon « Reply #46 on: May 25, 2012, 03:47:38 PM »

It is unfortunate, but somebody is buying up all of the tickets. Our camp (chaos), ten of us put in for the TP lottery and nobody got a ticket, that's twenty credit cards. In the past that many entries would of all but guaranteed our usual spot in the preserve, but instead of going through the genuflecting of scraping together ten tickets we all decided to do other things this summer (although I don't have any plans as of yet). This would have been my nineteenth TBF and it concerns me that if this keeps up, eighteen will have been my last. Although one thing I can guarantee is that I will never pay more than face value for a ticket.

I am going to miss my usual overnight shift in the line.


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Living Life With Delusions Of Banjur

URL icon « Reply #47 on: May 25, 2012, 04:17:57 PM »

Debbie, obviosly those tickets that I saw last week on Ebay for $1300.00, and those you mentioned are the people that we really want to avoid, and no one should buy those tickets, I think if people are trying to cover their costs that's sort of Ok. So Dustin you can make us happy by makeing sure that people know thjat the best way to sell their tickets for face value, need to list them at face value.....Right here! Pirate

I will make sure that it's included on the information sheet with the tickets next year. Thumbs Up
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URL icon « Reply #48 on: May 25, 2012, 08:41:51 PM »

i didn't know about the forum. i admit...i started out looking for tickets at stubhub and such once i found out that the festival was sold out and i didnt  get any tix thru the lottery. prices were outrages! after reading more on tbf website ...i found the forum. i was able to find the tix i needed at face and had a blast doing so. don't know what i would have done if i didn't find the forum?? Learning how to read finally paid off!  i think making the forum more well known to newbies would help the situation for sure.
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Auntie Hope
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URL icon « Reply #49 on: May 26, 2012, 12:59:04 PM »

For Bevin.... I didn't do it.  Evil

They must have gone to Nightgrass.....
"There are three or four stages. You can't see them all."  LOL

Auntie Hope  :festivarian2 :green
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InFleckIt! at Hippo Campus
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URL icon « Reply #50 on: May 26, 2012, 09:00:31 PM »

You could just announce that there will be no music next year..... You know some of us would still come..LOL
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Debbie from Tucson
Auntie Hope
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URL icon « Reply #51 on: May 27, 2012, 10:17:04 AM »

You could just announce that there will be no music next year..... You know some of us would still come..LOL

 Clap Clap Clap
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InFleckIt! at Hippo Campus
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Let the fest begin!

URL icon « Reply #52 on: May 27, 2012, 12:32:56 PM »

I think most Festivarians buy tickets without caring who is playing.  We KNOW it's gonna be great no matter what.

So how about this:  put out a horrible schedule prior to ticket sales.

Headliners Coming to TBF!  TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
Englebert Humperdink!  The Bay City Rollers!  The 4th grade Rico Kazoo Stomping Kids!  Fiddle Tuning Workshop for Beginners!  The Incredible Crying Baby from your Last Flight!  Jethro Null!  Some Drunk Guy who just bought his First Banjo!  The Hermits (no Herman)!  Fred Zepplin!  The Pips (no Gladys)!  Delores County Hog Calling Champion!  Ryan Adams!

Then after the Festivarians buy our tickets, PB announces the real line-up.

Still hating on Ryan Adams, John? 

You're missing out... :sorry


Most of my disappointment with that show was the fact that I was SO looking forward to BRYAN Adams.
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URL icon « Reply #53 on: May 27, 2012, 12:55:11 PM »

Here's a real nice RA show:
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RIP Rob Wasserman
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URL icon « Reply #54 on: May 28, 2012, 06:46:24 PM »

 So people actually dont go to TBF just because they dont have a TP pass???  Interesting
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URL icon « Reply #55 on: May 28, 2012, 09:32:02 PM »

So people actually dont go to TBF just because they dont have a TP pass???  Interesting
I was wondering the same...   Rolleyes ...crazy talk, imho.  huh
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Jammin w' Jaco

URL icon « Reply #56 on: May 29, 2012, 10:38:34 AM »

I think that's what's most disappointing to me.  I *could* have liked a RA set.  I *should* have liked a RA set.  I *wanted* to like the RA set.

Instead, a low standard was set for me.  I pray nobody beats it...I'd hate the bleeding ears that would have to come with it!
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Auntie Hope
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URL icon « Reply #57 on: May 29, 2012, 02:25:44 PM »

I think that's what's most disappointing to me.  I *could* have liked a RA set.  I *should* have liked a RA set.  I *wanted* to like the RA set.

Instead, a low standard was set for me.  I pray nobody beats it...I'd hate the bleeding ears that would have to come with it!

OK ~ OK ~ let's leave Dustin's/PBR's nightmare in the past and concentrate on this year's FESTIVVVAAALLL!!!  Cheers

Auntie Hope  :festivarian2 :green
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InFleckIt! at Hippo Campus

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URL icon « Reply #58 on: May 29, 2012, 02:34:18 PM »

I think that's what's most disappointing to me.  I *could* have liked a RA set.  I *should* have liked a RA set.  I *wanted* to like the RA set.

Instead, a low standard was set for me.  I pray nobody beats it...I'd hate the bleeding ears that would have to come with it!

He's definitely been known to shuffle the deck re: his "sound" over the years.
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RIP Rob Wasserman
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