When I volunteered I just e-mailed them right away with the times I would perfer to work and they hooked it up.
I'd highly recommend it.
Dave here checking in...i volunteered last year also, worked Warner Field adjacent to TP so i could hear music, be close to the scene...Cindy was the volunteer coordinator last year and she knows me from having volunteered in years past at RG, perhaps that is why i got a sweet volunteer assignment. I asked for (once confirmed) as many shifts (you responsible for 4 4 hour shifts for TBF) before fest or close to the beginning and was awarded a Tues 4-8, Wed 12-4 Thu day shift and Sat afternoon shift. So it worked out nicely, not having to miss much of the music. Of course i stayed in TP last year and missed some of the activities (e.g. Rumball Tuesday) and felt sort of bad about that. So you can work shifts before the festival. Personally, as much fun as it is to volunteer, next time im in Tride, i'm not missing out on anything. You know, this last year was my 8th there and i felt like i did miss out on some happenings by volunteering. And doing a cost benefit analysis im thinking its not worth it in the future. Anyway, volunteering is fun with Planet Bluegrass, my recommendation is work the beer tents! I did RG last August and it was so much fun, more fun than out on the tarp. Lots of interesting, funny happenings take place by late afternoon each day at the beer tent at a PBG event.