Hey, Matt!
I most certainly made it -- and yes, living in CO. We had an absolute blast and definitely plan on making it back in 2009. Outside of one little road bump
* the girlfriend and I had as we were rolling through Glenwood, it was near perfect. The venue itself is just gorgeous -- location rules! We had plenty of room to spread out camping near the woods along the river and we couldn't have asked for cooler neighbors! Obviously, a little less rain and the corresponding mud, might have made the main stage a little more pleasant and easier to get around, but that's about my only real gripe. Staff was helpful, kind, and the layout was well planned. The music was great. GAT w/Kreutzmann was the highlight for both of us and just about everyone else we talked to!
Overall, an awesome weekend.
I'm guessing you're involved in the planning?
*I say something to the effect of, 'so this is going to be your first three day fest!' She says something to the effect of 'yeah, I guess so.' I go further and mention that she hasn't even camped out for three nights before -- she says "what?" We then realize that she thought we were leaving Sunday morning, not Monday morning and she had to work on Monday! Sooooooo...things got cut a little short.