I'm looking to buy tickets for my first trip. It looks like there are only two camping options for the festival - on-site campground and the Meadows Park campground.
Apart from the distance and price, what are some differences between the two?
Does one have more of a late-night party vibe, and one more quiet family vibe?
Is one more crowded than the other?
Does one have better luck finding shade for a tent if arriving Thursday mid-day?
I'll be coming solo, stay up late, and enjoy meeting new people.
Thanks for answers to the above or any others!
For Folks I would say onsite is probably better for some possible shade and due to proximity. Onsite would be slightly more crowded I would think.
I stay in Meadow Park (Now called Laverne M Johnson) only because we generally have a large group that arrive at various times. Not a whole heck of a lot going on late in Meadow, I am assuming onsite would have a little bit more "night life"
The number line is fun though and a good way to meet people.
The Planet Bluegrass Ranch is all the way around amazing so you can't go wrong. Enjoy.
-Nate Grant
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