"Butt-crack of Dawn" (5ish) works to be in front of the walkway. They hand out numbers to evy1 in line @ approx 6-6:30am. Then you can get out of line,(get food, go back to bed, etc). Someone with the number, the "runner"
needs to get back in line before the gates open (usually 1 hr before music?) If you are coming and going during the day, you don't need a tarp. (see tarp share info) After dark it's best to have tarps and chairs packed up as evy1 stands and crashes in up front en masse, so if you're not an all-day tarper like me, skip the daily land rush!
I'm going to second this idea. If you really are not going to sped all day on your tarp just come up to the outer limits festi-field and watch the tarp run with the rest of us. Now, if you really feel the need to have the "experience" of running a tarp, then go for it. After seeing the now released daily line-up, there's is a greater chance of tarps being packed up earlier and earlier each day, especially on Saturday this year, once Yonder hits the stage. Just my .02....
Auntie Hope